The Pineal Gland

Monday, January 27, 2014 0 comments

Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is a small pine cone shaped gland located in the brain that produces melatonin.  This hormone helps to regulate sleep patterns and seasonal changes. For a more in depth definition, please visit In energy medicine the pineal gland is considered one of the two master glands of the body.  It is linked to the 6th and 7th chakras and is sometimes called the spiritual eye.

Physical symptoms of someone with an imbalance in the pineal gland may include:

- trouble sleeping
- sleeping during the day
- difficulty adjusting to seasonal changes both physically and emotionally
- sensitivity to light or darkness
- unexplained weight gain

Emotionally people with a pineal glad imbalance feel that they have a lot of divine inspiration or ideas, but are unable to manifest them into their lives.  This causes not only an imbalance in the gland, but also a deep sense of frustration because they are not able to carry out their concepts or ideas.

What can I do to aid in balancing the pineal gland function?

- Work out in the morning.  Studies show that people that exercise in the morning have higher levels of melatonin after their workout.  See

- Turn off the tv and dim the lights after 9pm.  Light will decrease melatonin which decreases your ability to sleep. See

- Wear the color violet.  Violet is the color associated with the crown chakra where the pineal gland is located.

- Rub sandalwood essential oil on the back of the neck each morning and evening.  This oil is high in sesquiterpenes a chemical componenet that will stimulate the pineal gland.  For more information on Sandalwood please contact us at or

- Work the pineal gland reflex point on the foot.

- Create a vision board to help manifest ideas into reality.


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