The Heart Chakra

Thursday, April 18, 2013 1 comments
The heart chakra is so important because it is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, between the physical and the spiritual.  When the heart chakra is balanced, a person is able to experience unconditional love for others and for themselves.  A person with an imbalance in their heart chakra may  be judgmental and critical of themselves and other, and as Mother theresa said, "if you judge people, you have no time to love them."

Physically, the heart chakra is linked to the heart, lungs, thymus, upper back, shoulders and hands.  Imbalances may manifest as asthma, elevated blood pressure, poor circulation, heart problems or shallow breathing.  Rounded shoulders are another physical sign of a heart chakra imbalance, as it is an outward manifestation of a sunken heart.

Emotionally an overactive heart chakra is accompanied with feelings of jealousy and possessiveness.  Controversially a person with an under active heart chakra may isolate themselves emotionally, feeling lonely, resentful and unforgiving.

Suggestions for balancing the heart chakra:

Participate in a series of yoga poses that open the chest, such as cobra, triangle and up dog.  Focus on making sure the shoulders are back, thus expanding the chest area.

Work the reflexology points of the foot associated with the heart, lungs, thymus and circulation.

Apply one of the following essential oils on the ball area of the foot:

Practice Gratitude!  Keep a gratitude journal and every day write down five things for which you are grateful.

Go to your favorite nature spot and take time to meditate and feel God's love for you.

Wear emerald green, the color of the heart chakra.


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