The Law of Vibration: Emotions are Energy

Wednesday, October 22, 2014 2 comments

What is the Law of Vibration?

This Universal Law states that everything and every person in the universe is made of energy. Everything is vibrating or in motion which creates its existence. Vibration is the medium for transferring signals or circulating messages.
The Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction. When you know that your thoughts and emotions are vibrating (Law of Vibration) and you know that "like attracts like" (Law of Attraction) you will appreciate that you can now start to alter your life just by altering your thoughts and emotions.

How is Vibration Measured?

Some things are of a high vibration and others are at a low vibration. This is measured in frequency: by how frequent a wave passes a point. Imagine a wave or a bell curve. The top of the wave is the crest and the bottom of the wave or break is the trough. Vibration or frequency is measured by how many times the crest of the wave pulsates per second. So 1 hertz means one cycle per second. Megahertz is 1000 times per second. The closer together the vibrational frequencies, the higher the vibration and the closer that matter is to its energy source. This is an important principle to know. The higher the vibration the closer the matter or person is to its energy source or higher power.

Thoughts and Emotions are Energy

Our thoughts are on a certain vibrational frequency and hence is part of the vibrating universe. The Law of Attraction, which is based on The Law of Vibration, states that we attract what we are sending out. Hence positive energies attract positive energies and negative energies attract negative energies.
Our thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space. Thought is the most potent vibration - so this means you can attract to you what you want and wish for.
We use the word feeling to describe the kind of vibration we’re in. When someone says I am not feeling very well, they are feeling a low vibration. It does not mean they are of lower worth, they are just experiencing a lower vibration. We have been delivered to such a person to help raise their vibration through foot zoning, coaching and using essential oils.

How to Maintain a High Vibration

1-Eat High Vibrational Foods and stay hydrated! 

2- Take care of yourself by receiving a regular foot zone, life coaching session or aroma therapy. 

3-Say Affirmations every day. 

4-Practice Gratitude every day. 

5-Meditate every day. 

For more information on the law of vibration and other universal laws, visit the online course tab at


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