Arm and Empower

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 0 comments
Here at Family Foot Reflexology, we are self-proclaimed NATURAL HEALTH CRUSADERS.  Why are we passionate about natural health and sharing natural health resources with others?

We see a HUGE problem that is only growing larger.  We call it THE DEPENDENCY EPIDEMIC.  We see it all around us and it is an especially ugly part of the health care crisis in the U.S.

We live in a world that wants a quick fix!  Something that works now despite the long term effects. People are looking outside themselves for a “Band aid” to instantaneously fix problems. They are depending on someone to tell them what to do or they are looking for a "magic pill." The problem is that when people feel like they have to depend on someone or something to fix their problem, they are giving their power away. Sometimes without even realizing it, people find themselves in a position where they have been ensnared in poor health habits and are dependent on people or drugs that Enable them to continue these poor habits rather than searching for solutions that EMPOWER them to take charge of their own health and wellness.

If this problem doesn't change the heath care crisis will get worse and we will continue to see depression rates increase because when people give up their power they feel helpless and hopelessness is usually not far behind.  All you parents out there have probably felt this helpless and hopeless feeling when your child comes to you and they are sick or in pain and you don't have a solution.  You have to depend on someone else or something else to fix the problem. The worst thing about this cycle of dependency is that if we don't do something to change it, it will only get worse and our children will inherit the problem.

This is what we call The Dependency Epidemic

So, what should we do about this?


We should learn how to listen to our bodies and use natural solutions to help us feel better! In some of the poorer nations where people have their basic needs met but do not live extravagantly, with the what is deemed poor health care, we find people who are the happiest and healthiest because they are using natural tools that have been around for centuries to heal themselves. We need to do the same!

We need to arm ourselves with natural health tools and skills that will empower us.

At Family Foot Reflexology we focus on empowering people with knowledge and skills in:

-Reflexology and Foot Zoning to help identify and address issues in the body.
-Essential Oils to empower people with a natural tool they can put in their medicine cabinet.
-Emotional Healing Techniques that help people find peace without pills.

We have helped ARM and EMPOWER thousands of people to break the cycle of dependency when it comes to health and healing.  All of the skills we teach can be used right within your own home.  Are you ready to arm and empower yourself and your family to have greater peace, happiness and health? 

Allison and Amber, Natural Health Crusaders


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