What is Reflexology?

Monday, December 22, 2014 1 comments

In reflexology, the entire body is mapped on the feet. Nerve systems or highways to all the organs and areas of the body terminate at specific areas on the bottom of the feet.

When pressure techniques are applied to those specific areas of the feet, and the person feels discomfort in that area or the practitioner feels a trigger in that area, there is usually a co-
related imbalance at that location within the body.

Because these reflexology points are literally connected to the internal structure and framework within the body, the practitioner is able to “read” what is going on with that problem area.

After locating and identifying a specific problem area, reflexology pressure techniques are used to engage the body’s nervous system(which again, is connected to all the areas and systems of the body). This gives signals to the nervous system to activate itself and create balance. Essentially, we are telling the body to engage either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system, which are very intelligent and knowing which areas of the body are out of balance, and can initiate sequences to re- establish internal balance.

“Essentially, we are telling the body to engage either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system.”

From p.iii in the Family Foot Reflexology Student Manual

Roles of the Parasympathetic & Sympathetic Nervous Systems

1. The parasympathetic nervous system reduces blood flow or constricts the lung bronchi, for example.

2. The sympathetic nervous system, increases blood flow or contracts the lung bronchi.
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When pressure is applied to a certain area of the foot, the physical nervous system is engaged as well as the energy systems of the body as well.

The intelligence of the body knows what is needed for balance and will begin creating the healing steps the body needs as the other supportive systems of the body are engaged and activated. (It’s like jump starting a car whose battery has drained too low to turn the motor over. Once the nervous system is engaged, it can activate the other systems of the body to re- balance.) 

©2012 Family Foot Reflexology • familyfootreflexology.com • familyfootreflexology@gmail.com


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