Sacral Chakra

Saturday, December 22, 2012 1 comments
The sacral chakra is located at the lower abdomen.  A person with imbalances in this chakra may experiences emotions such as guilt, powerlessness and insecurity.  They tend to be overly sensitive.  Addictions, intense cravings or obsessive attachments are also linked to the sacral chakra.  Physically, this chakra's energy is related to the lower back, pelvis, hips, bladder, spleen and reproductive systems.

Suggestions to balance the sacral chakra:

- Participate in an exercise routine, such as yoga, in which you experience a lot of movement in the pelvic region.

- Work the reproductive, spleen, hip, and bladder reflexology points on the feet.

- Rub clary sage essential oil on the heel of the foot or apply diluted directly to the abdomen and lower back.

- Wear something orange, the color of the sacral chakra.


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