The Brow Chakra

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 0 comments
The Brow Chakra is represented by the color indigo and is often referred to as the "third" or "spiritual eye."  Our dreams, visions and imagination are linked to this chakra.  When it is in balance we have an easy time manifesting into reality our goals, visions and dreams of the future. Memory, creativity and internal vision are linked to the Brow Chakra.

When this chakra is closed we have a hard time remembering things and our ability to see all of our options is limited.  We have spiritual blinders on, often leading to skeptical attitudes.  When overactive, the brow chakra is connected to headaches, insomnia and nightmares.  Often times an overactive brow is connected with an inability to concentrate or pay attention.

Suggestions for Balancing the Brow Chakra:

Practice at least 5 minutes of meditation or visualizations per day.  These will help bring peace and stillness to the brow.

Practice the Child's Pose with a twist.  Place your fists on the ground below your forehead, then place your forehead on your fist and gently rock your head back and forth massaging the brow area.

Keep a dream journal.  Write in it as soon as you wake up in the morning and then review your dreams later in the day.  What is your sub-consciuos trying to tell you?

Rub Clary Sage or Deep Blue on the middle of your forehead, just above your eyebrows.  This brings heat to the brow chakra.  Make sure NOT to get any in your eyes!

Sit for 5 minutes at just after sunrise, or just before sunset with the sun on your face.  The Brow Chakra is connected to light and this is a safe way of allowing nature to shed some light on this chakra.


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