The Crown Chakra

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 0 comments
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head.  This chakra is our connection up to our Higher Power.  It vibrates violet, which is the highest color vibration, and this is no surprise since this chakra is connected with the highest functions of the mind and spirit.  When in balance, the crown chakra allows for divine inspiration and intelligence, and a feeling of being connected to a higher power.

When the crown chakra is over active, a person might have a hard time connecting with their body, and may even find life on earth to be painful.  When under active, a person is often too connected to the body and physical pleasures.  They may have rigid beliefs of a closed mind.

Suggestions for Balancing the Crown Chakra:

Meditate or Pray each day with the intent of connecting with and listening to your higher power.

Put Sandalwood on the base of the neck before participating in mediation or yoga.

Practice headstands with the help of a professional.  This yoga pose helps open and balance the Crown Chakra.

When practicing Yoga, chant "Om" with each exhale.  This is the vibrational sound that resonates with the Crown.

Wear Violet or Gold, the colors of the Crown Chakra.


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